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Department of Mechanical Engineering


The Chair of Plastics Technology offers lectures in the fields of polymer science and plastics technology for the study programs "Mechanical Engineering B.Sc.", "Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.", "Industrial Engineering B.Sc.", "Industrial Engineering M.Sc." and "Manufacturing Technology M.Sc. (MMT)". Documents for the lectures as well as current announcements can be found under the respective link to the moodle course. The access data will be announced in the respective course or can be requested from the lecturers.

For general questions please contact the principal contact person Mr. Lars Schega. For questions regarding individual courses, please contact the responsible research assistant.

The enrollment keys for the moodle courses will be announced in the first week of the course.

Our Lectures at a Glance


Module Docents Course of Study Type Date and Time
Aufbau und Eigenschaften
von Polymerwerkstoffen
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Handge
Rio Mungok, M.Sc.
B.Sc. MB
B.Sc. Wirt.-Ing.
L2+E2 L: We. 08:15 - 09:45, MB I - E21/22
E: Fr. 14:15 - 15:45, MB I - E21/22
Kunststoffanalytik und -prüfung
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Handge
Lars Schega, M.Sc.
M.Sc. MB
M.Sc. Wirt.-Ing.
L2+E2 L: Tu. 12:15 - 13:45, MB I - E23/24
E: Th. 10:15 - 11:45, MB I - E23/24
Plastics Technology
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Handge
Bill Febrian Winoto, M.Sc.
MMT L2+E2 L: Fr. 14:00 - 15:30, SRG 1 - 2.008
E: Fr. 08:30 - 10:00, MB I - E23/24                                                               


Module Docents Course of Study Type Date and Time
Kunststoffverarbeitung I
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Handge
Rio Mungok, M.Sc.
B.Sc. MB
B.Sc. Wirt.-Ing.
L2+E2 L: Mo. 12:15 - 13:15 MB I - HS 1 (start: 07.04.2025)
E: Fr. 08:30 - 10:00 MB I - HS 1 (start: 11.04.2025)
Kunststoffverarbeitung II
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Handge
Christopher Krüsener, M.Sc.
M.Sc. MB
M.Sc. Wirt.-Ing.
L2+E2 L: Th. 08:15 - 09:45 MB I - E21/22 (start: 10.04.2025)
E: Mo. 16:00 - 17:30 MB I - E21/22 (start: 07.04.2025)
Angewandte Werkstofftechnik
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Handge
Lars Schega, M.Sc.
B.Sc. MB L2 L: Tu. 16:15 - 17:45 HG II - HS 6 (start: tba)
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